Look closely and you will see that my front garden is very tired. It really wants to be left alone to rest the fall and winter away. But because my house is looking for a new owner (who happens to be "quite the gardener" I'm sure ), I feel obliged to keep it watered and trimmed awhile longer. But in all honesty I am feeling tired too.
The "full speed ahead" momentum of getting the house ready to be shown, sending my oldest sons back to college, and my husband off to start his new job in North Carolina has slowed and I am out of steam. Every week, no every day, of the past 2 months has been filled with an urgent project involving sending someone off somewhere to begin a new journey.
I would be dishonest if I didn't say that I am disappointed that "everyone has been launched" and my journey has not yet begun. I do believe that our move is part of the Lord's plan for our family and so waiting for the house to sell must also be part of His plan. It will be sold in His timing. So much to be thankful for in the mean time. When recently talking long distance with my husband, I said the time apart has made me really appreciate the short weekends now and then that we do have together. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. I guess it is time to let my garden rest. The gardener that is sure to buy our home will certainly understand.